一、反身代词有myself, ourselves, yourselves, himself, herself, themselves, itself.主语与宾语为同一人或物时,要用反身代词(否则就不能用反身代词),反身代词也可放在名词或代词(主格)后面(也可放在句尾)起强调作用
1) All [A] the scouts(童子军) got theirselves [B] ready for the [C] long camping trip by spending their weekends living [D] in the open.
2) Various [A] animals have shells that keep themselves [B] from growing beyond [C] a certain [D] size.
3) Benjamin Banneker’s aptitude [A] in mathematics [B] and knowledge of astronomy enabled himself [C] to predict the solar [D] eclipse of 1789.
4) The president announced that he himself [A] would act upon [B] the evidence as presented [C] to himself [D] by the congressional committee
5) Garrett [A] Morgan died in Cleveland, Ohio, the city that [A] had awarded himself [B] a gold medal for his devotion [C] to public [D] safety.
6) Plants rid them [A] of excess water through [B] transpiration, the evaporation of extra [C] moisture from their [D] leaves.
7) When Jonathan went [A] to Spain with his [B] sister, he bought a [C] leather coat for her and another for him [D] .
1) B错。 改为themselves.
2) B错。B处明显指代animals,而它前面的主语that却指代shells,也就是说“that”和“themselves”指的不是同一事物。由于主语与宾语不是同一物,故不能用反身代词,应改为宾格them.
3) C错。本句的主语为aptitude,而非Benjamin Banneker(在这里它作aptitude的定语),而C处的代词却指上文提到的人名“Benjamin Banneker”,由于主语与宾语并非指同一人,故不能用反身代词,应改用宾格him.
4) D错。 改为to him.动词“presented”的(逻辑)主语是“evidence”,而不是A处的“he,”所以D“himself”处与C处“presented”的主语“evidence”不一致,所以不能用反身代词。
5) B错。 改为him.同上。
6) A错。此处的them指主语plants,rid是及物动词,由于主语与宾语指同一物,故应使用反身代词themselves.
7) D错。 改为for himself.